Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Project 2.5: Education

The educational system in the townships would divide students into eight tiers, providing appropriate education and changing their classifications as needed.

Tier Seven: These students are classified as geniuses (IQ at least 140). Such children will be rare and their education will be taken care of outside of the regular system.

Tier Six: These students are classified as above average (IQ 115-140). Such children will attend their local high schools, probably with special classes.

Tier Five: These students are classified as high average (IQ 100-115). Such children will attend their local high schools.

Tier Four: These students are classified as low average (IQ 85-100). Such children will receive technical training following elementary school.

Tier Three: These students are classified as borderline (IQ 70-90). Such children will receive simpler technical training following elementary school.

Tier Two: These students are classified as educable (IQ 50-75). Such children will receive a basic elementary education.

Tier One: These students are classified as trainable (IQ 25-50). Such children's education will focus on skills for getting through daily life.

Tier Zero: These children will be profoundly retarded and need to be cared for throughout their lives. Such children will be extremely rare (for example, the whole of the DRC will average about thirty a year).

Elementary classes would focus on teaching reading, writing, arithmetic, history, basic science, and spoken English and Swahili. They would be taught solely in native languages.

High school classes would focus on history, math, science, and literature. Math and science would be taught in English, while other subjects would be taught bilingually.

Project 2.5: The Genetic Program

The genetic program will have four sections. The first is the effort to sterilize violent criminals and those who are mentally handicapped so severely that they cannot understand the consequences of their actions. The second is the voluntary participation of families in the 2.5 Project, which will encourage families who are likely to bear children with advantageous genes to be most fruitful. The third is offering economic incentives to those outside of the 2.5 Project: financial aid for high-IQ couples who are willing to have extra children, and guarantees of support for low-IQ couples who are willing to have fewer. The fourth is a sperm and egg bank, offering people in areas with a paucity of high-IQ genes to build on the choice of raising children a high-IQ biological parent.

Sterilization: I know. It sounds awful. But murderers and rapists are statistically likely to conceive more murderers and rapists, which will increase the numbers of murdered and raped. I'd rather have a sterilized murderer now than a few extra murdered people in twenty years.

As for the severely retarded, they should not be in the position of making adult decisions. We do not allow eight-year-olds to have sex; nor, in the first world, do we allow those with a mental age of eight to be so taken advantage of. The kind of care available to severely retarded adults in the U.S. cannot be immediately brought to the third world on a large scale, but we can prevent those who cannot care for themselves from having children to try to care for.

Project 2.5: Families who choose to participate in Project 2.5 will have their children provided with food, safety, and education by investors. In return, they will have a number of children that the investors can provide for.

Economic Incentives: First worlders would provide for those who could not provide for themselves, with the understanding that those dependent on such assistance would limit their number of children to keep the number of dependents low enough to support. The wealthy would also work to aid high-IQ couples from poor areas to raise large numbers of children.

Sperm and Egg Bank: Violent criminals are disproportionately male, so their sterilization would likely leave a lot of women mateless and childless. Those who wished to raise a child would be given a chance to bear children who had high-IQ biological fathers, in order to introduce more such genes into the pool and make the transition to a high-IQ society faster. The bank would also be available to infertile couples.

Project 2.5: The Communities

Project 2.5 would work on building townships in poor areas. Each township would have room for some 5000 people, and be broken into ten communities of about 500.

Community: A community would be made up of 100 homes, built differently depending on the location. It would have an elementary school, a steady water supply, quick communication with other areas, emergency care and transportation, and, when resources were available, a washing area with electricity. It would be near the area of employment (farmland, in many places) and would offer each family an opportunity to raise their children.

Township: A township would be made up of ten communities, plus a central area with a full medical center and a high school. It would include the living areas and land necessary to support the inhabitants. A wall would surround it to protect the community from crime and civil unrest if the location merited it.

Medical Care: Each township would have a medical center, as stated above. In malaria-prone areas, appropriate clothing would be provided, as well as mosquito nets and pesticides. The most effective medicine would be available for times when prevention failed. A clean, regular water supply would help to battle other diseases.

Protection: Sadly, most poor areas are ridden with crime, and a prosperous community in such an area will attract many desperate characters. The people who participate in Project 2.5 will be vetted to keep out criminals for the safety of the group as a whole. Walls will be put in place to protect what will be very valuable and hard-to-find equipment, and to prevent the townships from being overtaken in cases where civil unrest is likely.

Project 2.5 - Overview

This project is aimed at the third world (moving it up from a 3 to a 2.5). The goal is to establish safe, self-sustaining communities in very poor countries. Although it would take a very large initial investment, the program would eventually reimburse investors, and greatly reduce the need for future donations to these areas.

Current well-meaning projects to improve life in the third world are doomed, because they are based on a false view of the world. Humans have been evolving separately for tens of thousands of years. This is obvious on the outside, and science has shown that our brains have not remained untouched either.

Project 2.5 will have three main stages:

1) Creating communities based on the locals' present talents. These will largely be farming, herding, mining, and fishing communities. This will allow small, relatively prosperous towns to spring up quickly, providing relief to suffering areas and better opportunities for the next generation.

2) Taking advantage of eugenics. It has a bad name, but our current policies are dysgenic. They encourage those with the least advantageous genes to have the most children. There are two ways for the human race to continue to improve: we can establish policies that encourage those who will pass on the most advantageous genes to have the most children, or we can let the children of those with the least advantageous genes die off, as was the rule prior to the last few centuries. By providing economic incentives and making it easier to choose how many children to conceive, we can shoot well above a 2.5 - within a hundred or so years, the Congo could be competing with China.

3) Making sure the young can reach their potential. This means appropriate schooling for all children, in addition to a safe community and good nutrition.

Monday, July 22, 2013


The world's dark races are suffering. They are disproportionately poor, and in many areas poor in ways few people of the light races will ever see up close. The neighborhoods, cities, and countries they inhabit are crime-ridden, and in many areas it is the rule rather than the exception to have been raped or to have lost loved ones to murder. Many countries are caught up or are coming out of wars in which civilians have been maimed and slaughtered, and many others have governments that operate like a less-subtle mafia.

It is not my goal here to blame whites. Whites get quite enough blame - most commentators assure us that black suffering in America is the result of slavery, in Africa of colonialism, and in Europe of neglect. We have been called "the cancer of human history" as well as "white devils".

All that is nonsense, of course, but whites are already the subject of plenty of race realist blogs. Race-conscious whites are on the defensive, and it is to be expected that they will spend most of their time working against the slander that their people face and the legacy of state-sanctioned discrimination and state-ignored violence that their children face.


If there is to be an uprising of realism - and it seems to me that, sooner or later, there must be - we do not want it to be the sort of realism that, though seeing accurately what is, refuses to consider what could be. We do not want "realists" that can see no good beyond self-preservation.

Haiti, the American South, large swathes of Africa - all of these were once thriving, majority-black areas. Whites built them and introduced black peoples to a much higher standard of living than they had previously known. Now we have charity-run Haiti, Atlanta and New Orleans, the Congo and Kibera Slum.

White money flows to these places. We "fill full the mouth of famine and bid the sickness cease", at least so far as black leaders will let us. We do not ask for anything in return - and if we decide to set up shop there, it is only a noble attempt at being non-condescending, not a real money-making venture.

Some good comes out of this. Some black Africans escape the continent, and blacks of Europe and North America are generally well cared-for. But mostly, bad comes out of this. Africa is giving birth to many more children than she can feed, and is headed toward giving birth to more children than we can feed. Donated food, captured by corrupt governments, becomes a tool of war. Well-meaning first-worlders dig into their pockets to feed hungry children, and instead provide self-serving officials with fancy cars.

So is "salutary neglect" the way to go? Is the best thing we can do to let black peoples face the lack of white aid and return to their traditional ways? Or is there some way to institute a relationship between our races that benefits rather than harms them? I think there is. We've done it before, and it didn't fail because it was poorly conceived. It failed because whites gave up on it.

So I propose that race realists make positive race relations part of their program from the start. We're nowhere near to terraforming Mars, so for now we have to live together in peace, or live together in war. Please race realists, reactionaries, traditionalists, and (gulp) regular old conservatives and liberals: don't let the race problem keep growing.


1) Charity starts at home...
People have natural attachments - to their families, their communities, and their people - for a reason. It teaches the soul to look beyond itself. God says to "honor thy mother and father", and nature forces us to honor our children. This program is by no means an excuse to neglect those we owe the most.

2) but these ties are derivative.
Man can serve one master. America is good, but not The Good. White people are good, but not The Good. And your children are good, but not The Good. You will fail any of these if you put it first.

3) Those who want to be helped come first.
It is a travesty of justice to cry over poor, disadvantaged (violent, self-centered) "youths" and pour our resources into trapping them in schools and saving them from themselves while neglecting to save others from them. Charter schools are often accused of skimming off the best students for themselves - well, good for them. Hard-working, peaceful children should not have to attend school with thugs. Likewise, the methods I am about to suggest for the third world will not work if we try to impose them on people who would rather commit crimes and live in squalor. Helping some is better than helping none.