Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Project 2.5: The Genetic Program

The genetic program will have four sections. The first is the effort to sterilize violent criminals and those who are mentally handicapped so severely that they cannot understand the consequences of their actions. The second is the voluntary participation of families in the 2.5 Project, which will encourage families who are likely to bear children with advantageous genes to be most fruitful. The third is offering economic incentives to those outside of the 2.5 Project: financial aid for high-IQ couples who are willing to have extra children, and guarantees of support for low-IQ couples who are willing to have fewer. The fourth is a sperm and egg bank, offering people in areas with a paucity of high-IQ genes to build on the choice of raising children a high-IQ biological parent.

Sterilization: I know. It sounds awful. But murderers and rapists are statistically likely to conceive more murderers and rapists, which will increase the numbers of murdered and raped. I'd rather have a sterilized murderer now than a few extra murdered people in twenty years.

As for the severely retarded, they should not be in the position of making adult decisions. We do not allow eight-year-olds to have sex; nor, in the first world, do we allow those with a mental age of eight to be so taken advantage of. The kind of care available to severely retarded adults in the U.S. cannot be immediately brought to the third world on a large scale, but we can prevent those who cannot care for themselves from having children to try to care for.

Project 2.5: Families who choose to participate in Project 2.5 will have their children provided with food, safety, and education by investors. In return, they will have a number of children that the investors can provide for.

Economic Incentives: First worlders would provide for those who could not provide for themselves, with the understanding that those dependent on such assistance would limit their number of children to keep the number of dependents low enough to support. The wealthy would also work to aid high-IQ couples from poor areas to raise large numbers of children.

Sperm and Egg Bank: Violent criminals are disproportionately male, so their sterilization would likely leave a lot of women mateless and childless. Those who wished to raise a child would be given a chance to bear children who had high-IQ biological fathers, in order to introduce more such genes into the pool and make the transition to a high-IQ society faster. The bank would also be available to infertile couples.

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